Hi, I'm Alistair, I live in South Australia, and I've been collecting Imperial Guard for quite a while now, and I've decided I want somewhere where I can put my trial Army Lists, Ideas for Tactics, and pictures of my army. Somewhere that is not Facebook (not enough of my friends play Warhammer to appreciate my pics/posts) and somewhere where I know the people who are reading it aren't all internet trolls (fingers crossed here. I suppose I'd have better luck with the water -> wine deal).
I have a few Guard Armies, my biggest would be my Cadian 122nd Army, which is about 22,000 points at last count, then a few smaller Armies. There is my Gaunts Ghosts Army - based on Dan Abnett's books - about 5-6,000 points (Including 7 Leman Russ tanks of the Narmenian 1st from Necropolis), a 2,000 point Vostroyan Army, an unmechanised Steel Legion army of about 750 points and a very small Praetorian/Mordian Iron Guard Army (about 17 infantry).
I am a History Major at University, and I am a Big WWI/I Buff, and I've got a continueous project where I am converting warhammer 40k scale British and American Tanks from WWII with the aim of (Eventually) converting some Cadian Infantry to fight alongside it. The Next Army I want to collect is a Forgeworld Death Korps of Krieg Seige Regement army, however it is most probably not going to happen for a while.
I'll be hoping to do regular weekly blogs, once I get the hang of it, my first one will be my tactics for Leman Russ Battle Tanks, as I think I have (finally) gotten the hang of how to equip them for how you want to use them, but more on that later.
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